
Monday, October 11, 2010

Just a typical day...

 Just in case you're wondering what Cameron does all day, here's a sneak peak into the life of a sweet baby.

I stare at Mommy

I nap.

I flirt.

I do my exercises (and practice posing for pictures- that's multitasking!)

I play with Bella.

I practice laughing at how ridiculous my mommy is.

I help mommy bake (now THAT'S what I call a cookie sheet!)

I try not to get caught sucking my thumb... 

Yeah that's the latest news in Cameron's world- thumb sucking.  I thought it was a fluke at first, but I have repeatedly caught him sucking away on this little thumbkin.  I was never a thumb-sucker, but Ryan was, so I know who gets credit for this little bad habit.  Other than that we're just hanging in there.  We've had a rough couple of weeks- I guess this is the peak in crying that "they" talked about.  Hopefully we're on the home stretch of that though.  And any time Mr. Buddy wants to start sleeping longer stretches, Mommy would welcome the break.  (Hint hint).


Unknown said...

you're so funny! Pull that thumb out!! It's a lot harder at 2 and a half. Not sure what we are going to do.. but it sure is cute. :)

Mary said...

Such sweet pictures! Hope all is going well.